December 14, 2008

PHUN simulation: Rocker-Bogie Design for CE Bot

We are working on a project by, the CE Bot (visit the link for more information and see Appendix for more links). While discussing the appropriate suspension/chassis design, we thought about implementing a Rocker-Bogie system inspired by the Mars Roves Spirit and Opportunity Designs.

To get an idea on how the Rocker-Bogie design would work, I tried to simulate the construction on a free fun 2D sandbox physics simulator, PHUN. The simulations are 2D, i.e only lateral suspention simulation is possible, cannot simulate roll and yaw.

In the actual model, the other side would be connected using a differential rod with elliptical gearing on each side. This has to be further studied to be used properly. However, here is a small flash demo showing how each side will turn based on the other's motion [[LINK]].

Here is the video containing 3 simulations with explanations:

For more information on the ongoing project and our collected resourses visit:

CE Bot Forum Discussion Part 3

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