February 21, 2007

MIT Open Course Ware

MIT OCW (Open Course Ware) is an amazing initiative from one of the world's best engineering universities, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA).

The OCW provides online coursework on various topics ranging from Architecture, Engineering, Management to Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The course work can be found in formats ranging from PDF files to recorded class lectures.

Visit the main website to find topic of your interest. They keep updating the pages so I'm not going to post many links here except one.

As an example, here is a video on Basic circuit analysis methods, Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) method. (Lecture by Prof. Anant Agarwal)

February 16, 2007

How to FM tap your neighbors telephone

In short: "Listen in to the telephone conversation on your radio!"

But before you try this, a disclaimer:
All information provided in this post is for educational purposes only. I do not support nor encourage this monkey business. If you choose to make this device; you, and only you will be responsible for the consequences. Happy building!
Lets move on.

I had taken my old Landmine Landline (wired) phone and thought of making it a cool spy device. You know like in the Bond Austin Powers movies, only difference being, this one's a little bigger. Click on a image to "enlarge" it.

I don't have to explain what I'm going to do with this or what this is.

Click here ˅ to ...you know, read more: